MX Keys remap right ALT on Mac OS

I recently bought Logitech MX Keys: while it’s glorious keyboard there was one annoying thing. For typing polish characters with accent I need to type OPT (ALT) + L for example. OPT in Mac mapping is so far away and Logitech Options app doesn’t allow to remap it. But Mac OS has option to remap this buiilt-in! It is as simple as executing:

hidutil property --set '{"UserKeyMapping":

The above will reset with every reboot. To make it permanent create file in your home directory:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
hidutil property --set '{"UserKeyMapping":

Save it as, give it executable rights:

chmod +x

And add it to login scripts:

sudo defaults write LoginHook /Users/username/

Now change is permanent :)

To find more key codes visit Apple’s documentation archive: